Here you can find contacts
NB! Be safe!
Foundation Pärnu Hospital
Ristiku str. 1
Pärnu 80010
Registry code 90004527
Phone (+372) 447 3101
e-mail ph[at] , fax (+372) 447 3102
VAT identification nr. EE100694248
Licences numbers: specialised medical care L01998; nursing care L00189; emergency medical care L00038.
Please click on the map to see the locations of Pärnu Hospital buildings or get the directions via Google map
Information phone (+372) 447 3301 (Mon-Fri 08.00-19.00, Sat-Sun 10.00-19.00)
Registry desk phone (+372) 447 3300 (Mon-Fri 07.30-18.00, (Sat-Sun closed)
Taastusravi-ja heaolukeskus (+372) 449 4800 ( E-R 08.00-20.00, L 09.00-14.00)